2025 Classes Flower Arranging Classes at Flower Duet - (2025)

Explore the world of Hollywood through flowers

2025 Classes Flower Arranging Classes at Flower Duet - (1)Inspired by Hollywood

For 2025 flower arrang­ing class­es at Flower Duet, it’s time to be inspired by clas­sic films, mod­ern movies, and favorite TV shows in a year full of Hol­ly­wood inspi­ra­tion through flow­ers with the dynam­ic flo­ral sis­ter duo from Flower Duet. We’ll fea­ture a new flower design, a fea­tured flower, and movie or TV show inspi­ra­tion eachmonth.

2025 Classes Flower Arranging Classes at Flower Duet - (2)In the past few years, we’ve fea­tured flower class­es based on trav­el­ing around the world in flow­ers and we thought it was time to switch to new ways to explore the flower uni­verse. What bet­ter way than to go into the world of cin­e­ma and tele­vi­sion? There are so many movies and shows with gor­geous flo­ral back­drops (Bridger­ton), themes (The Secret Gar­den), and even ones about florists (Bed of Ros­es).

We hope you’ll join us in 2025 as we dive into the pre­tend and very often beau­ti­ful world of make-believe — Hol­ly­wood flo­ralstyle!

January Classes Feature Two Themes

Start­ing in Jan­u­ary, we’ll go to the land of clas­sic Hol­ly­wood with Humphrey Bog­a­rt and Ingrid Bergman and the movie Casablan­ca and we’ll get win­tery with inspi­ra­tion from the movie Frozen. The Casablan­ca class will fea­ture the love­ly and fra­grant Casa Blan­ca Lily and Playa Blan­ca Ros­es along with clean-lined foliage. The Frozen class will be all about how to achieve a frosty look on a win­ter white flo­ral design that will fea­ture hydrangea, ros­es and green trick dianthus.

February classes Feature Tulips

2025 Classes Flower Arranging Classes at Flower Duet - (3)In Feb­ru­ary, we’ll get inspired by tulips! We’ll go back in time to the famous movie called Gold Dig­gers of Broad­way where the song Tip­toe Through the Tulips debuted! When Casey and I were grow­ing up, we can remem­ber see­ing repeats of Tiny Tim on John­ny Car­son singing that song. I thought he brought it into the world. I had no idea it came from a movie from 1929 Hol­ly­wood. In class, we’ll fea­ture tulips with oth­er flow­ers in a glass vase design and teach stu­dents all the ways that tulips dance in thevase.

2025 Classes Flower Arranging Classes at Flower Duet - (4)March Features Cherry Blossoms from “Shōgun” and “Memoirs of a Geisha”

March will bring us to Japan and the beau­ti­ful and dra­mat­ic worlds of the new TV series Shō­gun and the clas­sic sto­ry Mem­oirs of a Geisha. Cher­ry blos­soms fea­ture in the set­tings and are very sym­bol­ic in Japan­ese cul­ture. In class, we’ll show stu­dents how to work with Cher­ry Blos­som stems and oth­er woody stems. Stu­dents will learn to com­bine Cher­ry Blos­soms with oth­er suit­able spring blooms in a mixed vase design!

April Offers Two Completely Different Themes and Classes

In April, we’ll explore the worlds of movies and books with two dif­fer­ent­ly themed class­es on the sameday.

2025 Classes Flower Arranging Classes at Flower Duet - (5)The morn­ing class in April will take inspi­ra­tion from a 1996 roman­tic movie star­ring Chris­t­ian Slater as a florist called Bed of Ros­es fea­tur­ing love­ly laven­derroses.

In the after­noon class, we are inspired by a fun actress of our day, Brooke Shields and anoth­er star we love who played James Bond, too, Tim­o­thy Dal­ton. Shields starred in movie as the beloved com­ic strip reporter from the 1940s, Bren­da Starr. Orchids fig­ure in the movie and so, we’ll take our inspi­ra­tion from the era where orchids were pop­u­lar flow­ers to give to women as cor­sages — at least in the movies! Both class­es in April will explore the ori­gin of the flow­ers we fea­ture from col­or to form to tex­ture and we’ll work in oth­er spring flow­ers like anemones, hyacinth and bupleu­rum. Each class will have a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent design and technique.

May is for Mothers

2025 Classes Flower Arranging Classes at Flower Duet - (6)Just like in 2024, we are hap­py to offer a work­shop the day before Moth­er’s Day for every­one to come on out and make a hand-tied bou­quet. For the movie inspi­ra­tion, we look to the heart­felt ode to moth­ers that is Gary Mar­shal­l’s Moth­er’s Day. We will work with Ranun­cu­lus, ros­es, and oth­er fab­u­lous “May flow­ers” for this lush hand-tied bouquet.

June is for Romance & Bridgerton Flowers

2025 Classes Flower Arranging Classes at Flower Duet - (7)Wow…three sea­sons of the hit TV show Bridger­ton wrapped up and we love that the pro­duc­tion design­er con­sid­ers flow­ers like a char­ac­ter in the show. Each episode has a theme and the flow­ers are an intri­cate part of thattheme.

Will Hugh­es-Jones, pro­duc­tion design­er on Sea­son Two of “Bridger­ton,”pre­vi­ous­ly told the Hol­ly­wood Reporterthat flow­ers are “a very strong char­ac­ter in their own right with­in theshow.”

There’s one par­tic­u­lar scene where Pene­lopeis wear­ing a bright yel­low dress, and we did a whole wall of bright yel­low flow­ers. So she lit­er­al­ly became a wall­flower,” hesaid.

Bridger­ton-inspired class­es will star Peonies! What more is there tosay?

2025 Classes Flower Arranging Classes at Flower Duet - (8)July is Tropical Month and a Trip to 1970s PalmBeach

Last year, we did a few cor­po­rate events with a Palm Royale theme inspired by the hit TV show star­ring SNL alum Kris­ten Wigg and com­e­dy leg­end Car­ol Bur­nett. Every show is a feast for the eyes…the vin­tage fash­ion, per­fect hair, gor­geous col­ors, and of course, trop­i­cal flow­ers and foliage.

For this class, we’ll work with orchids, gin­ger, anthuri­um, and trop­i­cal foliage to cre­ate a lush design that could fit in onset!

2025 Classes Flower Arranging Classes at Flower Duet - (9)August is Under the Tuscan Sun

Diane Lane is one of our favorite actress­es start­ing when she appeared in the cult clas­sic Streets of Fire. But, this class about a movie she made almost 20 years lat­er called Under the Tus­can Sunwhich was also adapt­ed from a book of the same name. In 2024, we were asked to build a flo­ral them around this book and movie and we fea­tured lots of olive branch­es, ros­es, rose­mary and oth­er soft del­i­cate flowers.

What we real­ly want­ed to add to the mix were love­ly sun­flow­ers! So, in this class, that’s what we’ll do! We’ll take inspi­ra­tion from the movie (and the poster) and show the class how to mix sun­flow­ers with oth­er sum­mer flow­ers in a vase. These flow­ers are tricky because their stems bend. This can make it dif­fi­cult to design withthem.

September Journeys into The Secret Garden and Dahlias

2025 Classes Flower Arranging Classes at Flower Duet - (10)Which is your favorite ver­sion of the movie titled “The Secret Gar­den?” Each movie fea­tures gor­geous gar­dens in all states of bloom, so our class will fea­ture lots of late sum­mer flow­ers in an explo­sion of col­or and tex­ture in a full vase design.

Is it the one that Casey remem­bers that is black and white, but when the main char­ac­ter dis­cov­ers the gar­den, the film turns vivid Tech­ni­col­or? Stars Mar­garet O’Brien — The Secret Gar­den —1949

Or do you pre­fer a more recent ver­sion star­ring Down­ton Abbey alum­na Mag­gie Smith? — The Secret Gar­den —1993

For fans of Pride and Prej­u­dice (PBS ver­sion), there’s also one with Col­in Firth! — The Secret Gar­den —2020

All movies are fab­u­lous ver­sions of this clas­sic tale of friend­ship and love. We’ll enjoy teach­ing our stu­dents how to design with a vari­ety flow­ers includ­ing fab­u­lous Dahlias in this late sum­mer flo­ral design class!

October is full of color with inspiration from Coco and Spectre

2025 Classes Flower Arranging Classes at Flower Duet - (11)Okay, we are sure you might be won­der­ing how on earth a James Bond movie got into this list of flower class themes. As long-time fans of 007, we can’t help but admire some of the fab­u­lous pro­duc­tion themes of the open­ing of the movie Spec­tre and its ren­di­tion of a Day of the Dead cel­e­bra­tion in Mex­i­co City. We are fol­low­ing that them with the inclu­sion of Dis­ney’s Coco which also focus­es on the Day of the Dead or Día de los Muer­tos.

2025 Classes Flower Arranging Classes at Flower Duet - (12)What both of these movies have in com­mon beyond the Day of the Dead theme are Marigolds! We love these fra­grant and tra­di­tion­al flow­ers. They are long last­ing in a vase, look fab­u­lous mixed with with oth­er flow­ers, are per­fect for warm fall cel­e­bra­tions in South­ern Cal­i­for­nia and we can get lots of local­ly grown flow­ers for this class! We’ll add pro­tea, ros­es and more to this mixed vase to help you cel­e­brate fall and if you choose, your loved ones aswell!

November is Warm despite The BigChill

2025 Classes Flower Arranging Classes at Flower Duet - (13)While it does get a lit­tle chilly in the fall, we’ll fea­ture lots of warm col­ored flow­ers in this class inspired by the friend­ship movie The Big Chill. We were too young to under­stand it when it came out but we loved the sound­track! Since it takes place in the fall and it’s about gath­er­ing togeth­er over meals, we thought it would make a good theme for Thanksgiving.

In the flower Thanks­giv­ing Cen­ter­piece class, we’ll mar­ry clas­sic fall col­ors using leaves, foliage, ros­es, orchids and more for your Thanks­giv­ing tables.

Decem­ber Hol­i­days HeatUp

By the time Decem­ber is upon use, the oranges of fall turn hot­ter into the reds of the hol­i­days. We’ll work with ever­greens, fir, cedar and clas­sic red hol­i­day flow­ers like ros­es, berries and high­light with light and fluffy white flow­ers to mim­ic snowy skies. For our movie, we’ll cozy up with two ver­sions of the same sto­ry from dif­fer­ent eras but with the same mes­sage. Cary Grant in The Bish­op’s Wife and Whit­ney Hus­ton in The Preacher’s Wife.

Both are set against a Christ­mas back­drop with a guardian angel in thewings.

2025 Classes Flower Arranging Classes at Flower Duet - (2025)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.